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About The Conference

Bihar once called as a ‘Bimaru’ state has now come out from the quagmire of the sickness of development. Consequently, the resurgent face of Bihar is well appreciated across the country. Before that Bihar remained one of the least developed states of India. One of the important reasons for such a significant change in the development perspective is due to state’s good strides on economic fronts during the last one and half decade. The available statistics on Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) indicate that the average annual growth rate during 1980s was 4.9 per cent which turned flat during 1991-92 to 1995-96. Similarly, during the period 2000-01 to 2004-05 the average annual growth rate at the constant prices of 2004-05 was reported to be 3.4 per cent. Since then there has been increasing trend in growth rate. The estimation indicates that the average annual growth rate at constant prices of 2004-05 was 10.2 during the period 2005-06 to 2009-10. However, during the period 2001-12 to 2016-17 the average annual growth rate at the constant prices of 2011-12 was 5.3 per cent. All these results of economic growth indicate that despite upward trend in growth rate in recent years the objective of sustainable growth is yet to be achieved.

If one looks at the economy of Bihar from socio-economic development point of view the story also does not go so well. The state is, by and large, lagging far behind in achieving the desirable level of socio-economic development which is quiet evident from various socio-economic indicators. For example, the incidence of poverty (poverty headcount ratio) during the year 2011-12 is 33.7 per cent meaning thereby that one-third of total population is below poverty line. The data on unemployment rate indicates that during the year 2015-16 it was 7.0 per cent in Bihar as against 6.0 per cent at the all-India level. Since both of these are reflections of the development profile of any region it can be said that Bihar has still to go forward to achieve the distinction of a developed state.

Who We Are

With our sincere endeavour to research and best practices in all spheres of management and education, we, at International School of Management, Patna (Bihar), India believe that our National Management Summit and Research Conference (NMSRC) is the best platform to explore, excel, debate and evaluate critical issues and recommend the best strategy to move forward to ensure success along with gratification and delight.

Who Attends

    • Professor or Academician of University/College/Educational Institute.
    • Senior and Middle Level Manager of Private and Government company/organization.
    • Policy Makers of different Departments and Ministries of Government.
    • Research Scholars and Students.

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