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Webinar on Financial awareness cum career guidance on behalf of NSE

The International School of Management organized a webinar on 30th December 2020. The theme of the session was “Financial Awareness cum career Guidance on behalf of NSE “The session was inaugurated by the welcome address presented by Assistant Prof. Ms. Shilpi Kavita ISM,Patna. The speaker for the session was Mr. Pratyush Bhaskar (Business Broad cast journalist/ financial trainer/Media Consultant). He highlighted the importance of Financial planning.and six-step procedure.i.e: determining your current financial situation,developing financial goals,identifying alternative courses of action, evaluating alternatives,creating and implementing a financial action plan, and. revaluating and revising the plan.He told to think before making investment and to focus on returns of investment. He showed the importance of family values during the session. He mainly focussed on to make investment in the financial securities to have better returns. He talked about the various phases of financial planning and different financial regulators of financial market.Further he made the participants aware of the helpline numbers of various market players in the money and capital market. The session was interactive, valuable, and suggestive too. More than 200 participants actively participated and raised their questions which were well answered by the speaker. The participants were students, faculty and staff of ISM Patna. A vote of thanks was conveyed by Mr. Rahul Kumar Sinha.