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In compliance with the advisory issued by Director, Prof. (Dr.) R. K. Singh, Intellectual Property Right (IPR) Cell with Department of IT, ISM Patna, jointly organized a national webinar on National Education Policy-2020: Impact on IT & Management Education on Saturday, April 23, 2022.

Chief Guest and Key Note Speaker of this programme, Prof. (Dr.) A. K. Nayak, Adviser IIBM Groups, former president and fellow, CSI, Former President (ICT), ISC Adiscussed the emergent need to revise the education policy after a long gap of 34 years and the things incorporated in the policy. He highlighted the major reforms in Higher Education, outcomes of NEP 2020 and its strategic objective. He also talked about extensive use of technology in teaching and learning, removing language barriers, increasing access as well as education planning and management.

The other eminent speaker Dr. R. R. Deshmukh, Professor and former Head, Department of CSIT, Dr. B. A. M. University, Aurangabad (MS), India, shared his views on a big shift of online and offline learning in New Normal and focusing the policy for industrial revolution 4.0 and sustainability criteria as economic, environmental and social equity.He also briefed about employment by uplifting skills with multidisciplinary uses of incorporating enhanced digital infrastructure like ICT applications such as Big Data Analytics, cloud computing, data mining, GIS and remote sensing application in various domain.He outlined concepts of economic sustainability, environmental sustainability, and social sustainability as the utmost outcome NEP 2020.

Dr. Renu Nanda, Professor and Dean Faculty of Education University of Jammu, J&K deliberated on integrated approach of ancient and modern Indian cultures towards education envisaged in NEP 2020. She talked about the way to develop professional teaching structure and methodologies discussed in NEP 2020.She focused on school curriculum expected to imbibe the human value system and provide greater flexibility and expose students to acquire future skills in the areas of computation, coding, design thinking, digital literacy, ethical and moral reasoning etc. and also to promote building of strong foundational skills right from early childhood.

The convenor of this programmer, Mr. Rajeshwar Dayal, Chairperson, I.P.R. Cell, ISM Patna, in his introductory address said, “There is a dire need of disseminating vocational education in India as per the 12th Five-Year Plan (2012–2017) statistical report had estimated that only a very small percentage of Indian workforce in the age group of 19–24 (less than 5%) receives formal vocational education in IT & Management.” In view of filling up this gap he emphasised the focus of NEP 2020 on the skill improvement and competency development of the students along with to make the students future-ready by building 21st-century skills.

This insightful and informative webinar moderated byAssistant Professor, Mr. Ravi Singh was wound up with a vote of thanks proposed by Domain Leader of the IT Department of ISM, Assistant Professor, Ms Jaya Kumari.