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ISM Inaugurated Two-day 6th NMSRC 2022

ISM Inaugurated Two-day 6th NMSRC 2022

ISM Patna (16 December 2022): International School of Management Patna commenced a two-day National Management Summit and Research Conference (NMSRC) 2022 on the theme of Challenges & Opportunities of Management in the Corporate world on Friday, 16 December, 2022. On behalf of Honourable Chairman, ISM, Sri Samrendra Singh, Director, Professor, Dr. R. K. Singh declared the conference open. The inaugural session of the programme was graced by Vice Chairman, Sri Deval Singh, Secretary Sri, Amal Singh, Admin, Ms Neeru Kumari Jha, Chief Guest as well as, Keynote speaker Mr. Sanjeev Kumar, Retired Executive Director (Corporate Services), MECON Limited, Ranchi, Domain Leaders, faculty members, participants form premier Management and IT institutes across the country and also non-teaching staff.  

Remembering mentor of the institute, Late Sri Tarkeshawar Singh, the esteemed director said in his welcome address, “The main objective of the NMSRC held by the institute every year is to provide a platform for the intellectuals, academicians, corporate professionals and research scholars to exchange their innovative thoughts and practices of emerging challenges to sustainable management of socio-economic perspectives of human society. He also highlighted some academic endeavours and achievements of the institute in the spheres of research related to new strategies for organizational excellence, coordination between economic and ecological balances and sustainable productivity.” 

Delineating on the theme the conference, the keynote speaker presented his views on alert management, inclusive growth, arousing individual digital sensitivity, creating new belief system and diversity and inclusion as key challenges to management.

The inaugural session of the conference was wrapped up with releasing an edited book on the “5th NMSRC 2021” by all the dignitaries and vote of thanks proposed by the moderator of the session, Assistant Professor, Miss Afrin Jahan.

Domain Leader of Marketing, Assistant Professor, Mr. Nayan Ranjan Sinha moderated the first technical session of the Summit on Marketing chaired by Dr. Priyadarshini Narain, Professor and Head of the Psychology Department, Patna University, Patna, and Mr. Mohit Kumar, Retail & Channel Head -Sales, Eureka Forbes Limited, Bihar & Jharkhand. About fifteen presenters including Assistant Professors and research scholars presented their innovative views on pertinent contemporary challenges like Zombie Company, E-commerce, Growth of Indian E-Sport, Rural Tourism Start-up Ecosystem Awareness etc. Domain Leader of Finance, Assistant Professor, Ms. Shilpi Kavita, enlightened the participants with her views on Start-up Ecosystem in India Awareness, Challenges and Government. 

The second day of the conference will hold three more technical sessions on Human Resource Management, Finance and IT. More than fifty presenters will present their research papers related to the theme of the conference.