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Intending to enhance entrepreneurship knowledge and skills of the Management Students, ISM Patna organised an online expert talk on An Expert Talk on Branding Challenges & Opportunities on Friday, February 4, 2022. The chief guest of this talk, Sri Alok Srivastava, Dy. General Manager (Branding), Indian Oil, Marketing Head Office, Mumbai, presented some fundamental technical concepts of Branding, and difference between branding and marketing in the first part of his deliberation. Then Sri Srivastava talked about a great shift from traditional marketing and branding to postmodern one; in this section he highlighted shift from strategy to tactics, shift from advertising to promotion, online shopping, opportunities from technology, and sophisticated buyers.

In the second part of his talk he deliberated on branding challenges and opportunities in today’s marketing sphere. According to him consistency and clutter are two major challenges before branding in contemporary digitised global competitive marketing. He also discussed other challenges related to consistency and clutter like savvy customer, mature markets, difficulty in differentiation, short term performance orientation, new communication options, brand proliferation, greater accountability, increased cost, media fragmentation, increased competition including globalisation, low priced competition, brand extensions, deregulation.

At the end a quiz on the talk was conducted. This insightful and informative talk, convened by Assistant Professor, Mr. Nayan Ranjan Sinha, Domain Leader of the Department of Marketing, ISM and moderated by Mrs. Soumya Shukla, was summed up with a vote of thanks proposed by Mr. Arindam Roy.